VanLiFe 620Ah

LiFePO4 12.8v Suitable for “12v” systems

The VanLiFe range is a highly capable battery, able to power a 3500w inverter. With its impressive power, it provides reliable and efficient electricity to your devices and appliances, making it a convenient and essential addition to any travel or off-grid setup.


Description and Specifications

BMS continuous discharge: 300A

BMS continuous charge: 300A

BMS over current protection: 320A for 10 seconds, reset 35 seconds.

Low voltage discharge shut down: 10v restart 10.5v

High Voltage charge disconnect: 15v restart 14.8v

Low temp charge disconnect: 1c reset 2c

Low temp discharge disconnect -20c reset -15c

High temp charge disconnect: 55c reset 50c

High temp discharge disconnect: 60c reset 55c


Bulk Charge: 14.2V – 14.6V (ideal: 14.4V)

Absorption: 14.2V – 14.6V (ideal: 14.4V)

Float: 13.4V – 13.6V (ideal: 13.5V)

The Automotive grade cells used are rated 8000 cycles @ 70% DOD

Terminal size: M10

Vent outlet thread: 1/2 inch male BSP thread

Sealed back riveted case made from zinc plated and powder coated steel with high temp sealant

Weight 54.5kgs

Capacity Tests At 300A Constant BMS Rated Load

Our 620Ah Power House

Drawing 300 amps constantly all the way from full until our inverter cut off delivered 645Ah of capacity.

If you max the BMS at 300amps the entire time you use the battery until it is flat we guarantee the battery will at least deliver the rated 620Ah.